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Required staff for Travel Agency in Hawally, Salary will be as per the experience, Send us the cv on: –...
Apply For This JobWell reputed Delivery company is looking for the below positions with Minimum 3 years of Experience and Immediate available with...
Apply For This JobOur company requires Store keeper for Whorehouse. Following categories are required: 1) Warehouse staff. Visa 18 Only Must know Excel...
Apply For This Job-Achieve high levels of customer satisfaction through excellence in receiving, identifying, dispatching and assuring quality of goods -Measure and report...
Apply For This JobA reputable travel company immediately looking for a well-qualified Male candidates for the below positions to join us to our...
Apply For This JobRequired a warehouse Asst (preferably Indian, Nepal, Butan nationality) immediately with the following package, salary 150KD per month(incl Accommodation +...
Apply For This JobTo apply for this job email your details to jobkwt25@gmail.com